As an online business owner or internet marketer, your time is already being pulled in a lot of directions. Between managing and launching new campaigns, stirring up traffic, writing emails, and the other daily tasks necessary to succeed online, it can seem impossible to regain your free time. Good news! You can easily outsource some of these tasks to experts, and reclaim the time you are wasting on monotonous and lengthy tasks. In fact, 55% of online marketers outsource some portion of their content marketing. It’s natural to want to do everything yourself, but you must keep in mind that content marketers will have new, fresh ideas to bring to the table. If your online business has been stagnant lately, consider outsourcing some of these activities:
Writing and Content Creation
Are you spending all your time writing articles, blogs, web page copy, press releases, and updating your social networking profiles? Well stop! You can find high quality, expert writers online who will write these for you, including SEO content. By simply searching for ‘content marketing agency’ online you can find a bounty of quality agencies that specialize in content creation, marketing, and management. Don’t forget to ask whether or not they will submit each article to directories, social networking sites, and publish new entries directly to your blog.
Video Promotions
Creating videos takes expertise and attention to detail. Why not outsource to a professional content marketing agency that will not only create your videos but also upload them to popular video sharing sites such as YouTube, Vimeo, and Viddler. Take your video campaign to the next level, by linking directly to your opt-in form in the video description area, this way any interested parties can click and be redirected to your site for additional information.
Establishing Authority With Forums
Forums are an excellent way to build your brand and establish authority in your niche. Research the top forums in your field and then create profiles for each, be sure to provide a link to your landing page in each forum’s signature. Next, hire a freelance writer or content marketing agency who can represent your business. Be sure that your writer can intelligently answer questions and has time to reply to various threads. Remember this person is speaking for your company and needs to make a great impression, be sure that English is their primary language and that they are willing to do a little research if required.
Social Networking Sites
One of the increasingly popular ways to build a list is to use social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook. So why not outsource this task to someone who can create updates and tweak your profile information when necessary? Twitter allows you to publish short updates to a targeted section of members, so maximize your site traffic by posting links to your latest blog post, product, or free give-away. Facebook offers even more possibilities, if you have the time, and trying to stay informed and ahead of the learning curve with these ever-changing social networking sites can be difficult. But rest assured, there are people who are dedicated to doing just that. Outsource to someone who can keep up with these protocols, create weekly content, or even design a custom fan page for your business.
It takes careful management to keep your business running smoothly. Your job is to sell your product or service, not to worry about content marketing. Find a content marketing firm or freelance writer with expertise in your niche and re-focus your energy on the most important element of your business… driving revenue.