Email Marketing Software: Who Needs It?

Email Marketing Software: Who needs it? Surprisingly, almost everyone does! It isn’t surprising that large companies and organisations need email marketing software because email marketing has almost completely replaced flyers and print advertising in many fields. If you’ve ever taken a cruise, booked a resort or bought an airline ticket, you’ll know the moment you get home from the trip your inbox will be bombarded by a steady supply of follow-up email offers from the company you just vacationed with.

Small businesses too are steady users of email marketing software because their need is similar to that of the bigger companies. It builds a closer connection to customers and encourages them to become repeat customers. Even at the local level, where people often know each other’s name, a timely reminder is a powerful tool for growing a business.

Websites, particularly those that sell services, are also everyday users of these software’s. If you have ever left them your address, which they encourage you to do by running a survey or posting a contest, then they will save your email address to send you newsletters or surveys.

Even charities use email marketing software to promote their cause. If you take part in an event with, or contribute to, one charity you’ll soon find a polite message in your inbox from other related charities. As well, before the anniversary of any one of their events you took part in you’ll find a reminder email encouraging you to sign up again for the new one. Use of these software’s by organisations is common but there’s one potential user you may not have thought of – you! You may not have an ongoing need to use email marketing software in the way businesses and charities do but sometime in your life you may well find you have a specific need for email marketing. Some examples include; a political campaign to promote or oppose a local issue, or a fundraiser for a good cause you support. Both may be occasions when you could put email marketing to good use.

For the individual user, modern software can be bought by the month and most are extremely user-friendly. Adding to usefulness, many packages now have connectivity to social media, like Facebook and Twitter, where families and friends can spread the message even further. Just keep in mind the normal rules of polite behaviour and the laws concerning email marketing in your country.

So who needs email marketing software? These days anyone with a message to share needs it and the good news is you can use it for free in many cases. Some larger companies provide a free period before you must buy the package, which may be enough time for an individual user’s short campaign. Also, free software can be downloaded from the web and used in conjunction with your regular email. Nothing is ever for free, of course, and if you want the full functionality of the download, you’ll likely have to buy an upgrade but again, for an individual, the free package may be enough.

Author: Nat Lafleur

Internet Marketer for 16 years, I am passionate about all aspects of promoting online and local businesses. From Video marketing to search engine optimization, email marketing, list building, and much more, I can help you shine online. Contact me today.

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