Email Marketing For Ecommerce | Day In The Life

Email Marketing For Ecommerce | Day In The Life

It’s been a Monday of exciting conversations & getting stuff done🥰

One of the big avenues for e-commerce growth is email marketing🕺

For any business, two of the biggest mistakes you can make are 1) not building your email list at all, or 2) not engaging with your list in an authentic way.

I spend (probably too much) time thinking about
🤓 how to get people incentivised to sign up to our lists
🤓 how to get people to just open with our emails (and not send them straight to junk)
🤓 how to get people to actually spend more than 3 seconds reading our emails
🤓 and then how to get them to take the action we desire.

I’m gonna be testing out a new welcome sequence for website visitors using the integration over the next couple weeks and will share the results as I go💃 (for any ecom nerds out there).

And if you have any phenomenal tools you use that you think I should be using too, pls let me know in the comments👇👇👇


Author: Nat Lafleur

Internet Marketer for 16 years, I am passionate about all aspects of promoting online and local businesses. From Video marketing to search engine optimization, email marketing, list building, and much more, I can help you shine online. Contact me today.

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