Google Sheets and Gmail allows you to send bulk personalized email campaigns to your contacts no matter if you’re using a free or paid Google workspace account this feature is available to you and today.
I’m excited to show you two methods for engaging in email marketing activities using your Gmail account and Google Sheets. Let’s go ahead and get you up and running with sending bulk email campaigns using Gmail and Google Sheets.
Okay so the first method for sending email campaigns using Gmail is by creating a mail merge with Gmail and Google Sheets and it’s completely free to do this simply hit over to Google and type in mail merge with Gmail and you should be able to find this page.
If not simply click here and that’s going to take you here then navigate down the page and what we want to do is make a copy of the Gmail and sheets mail merge sample sheet go ahead and click on make a copy then click on make a copy again and this is the Google sheet that we can use to send bulk email campaigns to our contacts.
If we first navigate up to first name down here what you want to do is add the first name of your contacts as well as the last name then add your email recipients. Simply add their emails in here then up here we can change this information if we like. Maybe instead of a description we want to add industry type and then instead of discount code maybe we want to add service type and then invoice status.
Now what I’m going to do is highlight this column here and change that color to this light yellow over here and as well as this column over here again simply navigate over here and click on this color now the reason I’m doing that is because you do not want to make any changes to recipients or email sent.
However you can customize column a b d e and f. Okay so I’m going to quickly make some changes and add some email recipients that I want to send a bulk email to. So for the purpose of today’s tutorial I’ve gone ahead and added industry type in here as well as service type and invoice status. I’ve also added the relevant information per recipient you can see the two recipients here as well as their first name and last last name. So now what we want to do is head over to our Gmail account and you want to use the Gmail account that’s associated to the same Google account that you’re using for your Google sheet.
Then go ahead and compose an email what we want to do is then head up to recipients click here then add two curly brackets head back to Google Sheets then click here and then we want to copy this exactly how it appears. So go ahead and click on copy I’m going to right click and then click on copy and once you’ve copied the recipient hiter sell head back to your Gmail account and then hit paste then close with curly brackets then go ahead and add your subject and body I’m going to quickly go ahead and do that.
This is the email campaign I want to send to my email recipients as you can see this is the subject here a gentle reminder about your service type service and service type is going to generate the data under the service type column we also have a first name the data here is going to be pulled in from the first name name column. I hope you’re well just a gentle reminder that your payment is and then the invoice status which is either due or paid for the service type again that’s going to generate the data from the service type column let me know if there’s anything else I can help you with. So this is an email campaign that I can send to my email recipients my clients that have engaged in a service with me.
Then what you want to do is navigate up here and simply copy your subject then head back to your mail merge Google sheet here we want to navigate up to to mail merge then click on send emails then we need to authorize the script click on your Google account then click on Advanced and then go to Gmail sheets mail merge. Here you can see the permission that you’re giving access to then come down and click on allow then all we need to do is navigate back up to mail merge again and then click on send emails.
Here you want to paste in the subject line that you copied from your Gmail draft and then click on okay and as you can see those two emails have been sent. Now it’s important to send a test email first to make sure that your email is being sent correctly now if you want to learn more about mail merge with Gmail what I’ll do is add a beginners tutorial up above and down below in the description which will dive deeper into this process.
#mailmerge #emailmarketing #googlesheetstips