How To Start Your Viral List Building Campaign Using An E-Book!

In Public Health, the word virus is dreaded. This is because when a virus enters a community, just an ordinary sneeze from one person can spread the disease in the whole community, and before we are aware everybody and their dogs get infected. That is on the negative side. The positive side comes online when you employ the same powerful tactics using an eBook to get everybody to spread the message about your ebook, and thereby build your list.

The cliche that you come across as soon as you land in the “Make Money Online” Niche is, “The money is in the List,” and guess what, it is true. There are a varied number of ways to build that list. Whatever method that you use, the basics are the same. There should be:

  • A Squeeze page containing an opt-in section
  • A Give Away token to serve as a “bribe” to entice visitors to release their contact details. And this Give Away should be a valuable commodity like a software or an ebook.

And this is how you can use an eBook to build the list:

  • First, you must create the eBook, because it is a simple fact that you cannot give what you don’t have. The eBook must be a really content rich one full of interesting and informative facts.
  • It must have links to your squeeze page.
  • Next, allow people to recommend or give the book to other people all over cyberspace. Let this be one of the rights you give people when they download their copy. The incentive is to make it clear that this book is free to give away, either by posting it on their websites or using it as a bonus product or bundle it with other products.
  • To start with, give it to three people. In the book, encourage those three people to give the eBook to their friends and family. The trick is that they can download the book only from your website by first giving you their contact details.
  • Most importantly, make sure that you send a clean and neat eBook out to the world. It is imperative that you double-check the spelling and grammar because obvious errors can be very disastrous and reflect negatively on you.Next test all links to be sure that they reach the intended target.
  • Post your eBook to eBook directories.

The sum effect of all this is that your eBook becomes your Viral List Builder. Before you realize it, the eBook is spreading across the Internet uncontrollably like a virus. Digital information as you are already aware, duplicates and replicates easily and quickly so much so that you would be amazed at the thousands of people who are reading your free eBook.

And next, check this very Viral List E-Book I have found for you.

Author: Luther Cox

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