Valued Reader,
Once you know where these Cascading Style Sheets are, you can remove them by simply repositioning and/or removing these images all together. Those are the two options of ridding your site of Inline CSS Styles. But first you need to know if your site is using these style codes.
Bonus Insight – Once your site is at a Google rating of 88% there are only two ways to take it to a Google Rating of 100%. By boosting your site Domain and Page Authority, which I did cover in another post. Basically it all comes down to content and the quality thereof, which is why it is so important to install spam check Plugins on your Blog.
You Boost Domain Authority by posting over 1000 words minimum per blog post, and avoid using any characters where you make use of the “Shift” key like question and exclamation marks. However, should you exceed 2000 words that will just be so much more beneficial if your primary goal is to impress Google? This does not apply to uppercase letters, only characters.
You Boost Page Authority by gaining high quality comments and back links to indexed sites. Bad comments often have no profile images, and the website entered in the comment window does not open or hosting has expired. These are the kind of back links you do not want. A simple way to test this is to open the URL shared by the person commenting and also test to see if the email address is active. When everything is active, then even a faceless profile may be a good back link.
How Will You Know If Your Site has Inline CSS Styles?
Well, on this blog’s “Tools I Use” page you will find the “Small S.E.O Tools” site which has 68 different S.E.O tools you can use at no cost to you. Focus on the 7th Tool titled “Website S.E.O Score Checker”. When you run the search, make sure you are using the Primary Domain only. This normally ends in dotcom, dot net and dot co etc.
Now this tool will reveal more than just the presence of Inline CSS Styles, it also checks for Meta data and tags as well as title. And all it takes is a little research from your side to know how to fix all that, but for the purpose of this article we will just look at Inline CSS Styles and how to remove them for a higher Google Rating.
What Exactly Are Inline CSS Styles?
Inline CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) Styles are codes within the HTML of a particular image. It is very likely be recorded as a