Search Engine Optimization Tips and Tricks

Search Engine Optimization Tips and Tricks

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02:49 Video begins

06:00 Where to find the Zoom’s for Seth David

10:00 Where are training recordings from Seth located

11:38 Presentation begins

12:30 Be found online first

17:00 Google My Business

24:22 Google search bots

25:15 How can I get a link to send to customer to give me a rating?

27:30 Getting your search to the top of google search

30:10 Importance of pictures

32:50 Increase the readability of your post

34:30 Google Algorithms

35:58 Black Hat and White Hat SEO

37:50 WordPress and Cornerstone

38:30 What is Cornerstone?

42:00 Is it working for you? Are you getting traction?

46:40 Image Compressing

49:40 What are Ahrefs?

57:40 App Sumo

59:47 Acquisition : What pages are people spending time on your site?

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Author: Nat Lafleur

Internet Marketer for 16 years, I am passionate about all aspects of promoting online and local businesses. From Video marketing to search engine optimization, email marketing, list building, and much more, I can help you shine online. Contact me today.

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