The Effective Use of Humor for a Successful Email Marketing Campaign

While other companies are busy tinkering on those computer keyboards, bludgeoning their brains to come up with a highly informative and relevant content that can be used for an effective marketing campaign; wouldn’t it be a great idea to spruce those emails a bit and add a little humor? People sometimes get tired and annoyed of those emails they receive constantly from email marketers stating the same things over and over again. It would really be great to integrate unique ideas in creating the email, like humor for example.

Humor is something that could really captivate people’s attention to read on because of curiosity as to what the business page has to offer; humor could really be one of the peculiar yet effective business tools. Being too professional in the approach in creating an email, a slideshow presentation, and videos can bore the audiences and make them hesitant to click and go to the business page. Some experts say that to be able to achieve connection with the audience or potential clients, the email marketing campaign should aim at the heart and not just the mind while still being professional in their emails and newsletters.

Infusing a little of those humorous yet witty statements could really catch the attention of the email recipients because for a fact it may be one of the best ways to grab the attention of a potential customer as humor in its basic sense is humanizing and surprising. There are actually different ways to integrate humor in an email marketing campaign; here are some ideas:

· Doodle with the LOGO and make it fun. One of the eye-catchers that brands have is their logo. When the audience sees something interesting or peculiar about it, they couldn’t help but click on to see what more fun things the business could provide them with. Fun logos create a retentive image to the brain captivating the audiences’ attention.

· Use some funny cartoon character or a comic strip that is related to the brand. When cartoons or any funny character is used in the marketing campaigns, it is very important that it will not incur any copyright issues. This too will create a great impact by generating tons of interaction from the recipients.

· Put up a wacky and hilarious promotional campaign. One of the best ways to catch the attention of an email recipient is by letting them join contests with really cool prizes. Companies could either put up a contest like giving a mascot a really cool and hilarious name. The audience themselves will laugh at their ideas and what will be more exciting is giving them the chance to vote for the best idea.

These are only some of the funny and ideas that have been used in email marketing and have been proven to be really effective for most successful brands. Engaging with the audiences through their emotions by the use of humor generates more audience engagement as most people are more convinced when emotions are involved.

Author: Nat Lafleur

Internet Marketer for 16 years, I am passionate about all aspects of promoting online and local businesses. From Video marketing to search engine optimization, email marketing, list building, and much more, I can help you shine online. Contact me today.

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