Traffic tips to build your business, without traffic and customers purchasing your goods you don’t have a business only a hobby! Everyone will tell you the money is in the list. When you have your own list of happy customers you know a broadcast email or an email sequence can bring you a stream of orders.
If you start affiliate marketing with a mentor and just send prospects to the mentor’s sales pages that is the easiest way to make an income when you begin, but it won’t be long before you realise you are just building the Mentor’s list and business. Yes you are getting paid for your efforts, but by taking their names and emails first via a redirect system you are both gaining and you get two chances of making a sale. You can also sell other products to your own list.
Therefore as you progress in your training and learning the techniques necessary you will also probably want to grow a list of you own; but either way the more traffic techniques you learn the more opportunities you have of making a good income.
Solo ads are one of the simplest forms of paid advertising. Solo ads can build your list fast. You purchase visitors to an opt-in sales page by offering a free gift via an email the supplier sends out for you to his list. Only use monitored Solo ad websites for suppliers which can be found on forums, Facebook groups or recommended by your mentor.
Facebook advertising is another fast method. Facebook has some tutorials to help you get started but it does take time to become proficient at choosing the most relevant selection of people to include.
Content marketing, there are many ways to grow your list organically, for example article directories, sometimes your information is picked up by others and passed on, make sure you have a link back to a sales or contact page. Guest blogging sites and free advertisements can also help. Guest blogging sites are often looking for good articles.
Email Marketing; as soon as you begin to grow your list you can benefit from email marketing, both sequence emails, newsletters and broadcast emails are used with an auto-responder like Get Response. This enables you to create a relationship with your prospects. It often takes a while to gain the confidence of your prospects before they trust you and purchase you offerings. Don’t just send them sales emails make sure you send them good content emails or they will stop opening them.
YouTube Videos; videos are very popular and can easily be informative. They can be made with slides or speaking into the microphone. If you are visually in front of your audience it helps gain confidence because you appear as a real person they can relate to. Videos can be made with your phone, directly from your laptop or using a variety of free and expensive equipment. If you take a look at YouTube you will find videos on every subject you can think of. they can be a great source of traffic.Videos, like pictures, are popular with both Google and Facebook and because Google owns YouTube it can help your page rankings to use video on your website or linked to it..
As traffic is such a huge subject, her are some books that might interest you:
“Facebook for business” by Bud E Smith
“Email Persuasion” by Email Brodie
“500 Social Media Tips” by Andrew Macarthy
“Profitable social Media Marketing” by Tim Kitchen and Tachmeem Mirza
“SEO Step by Step” by Caimin Jones