A.O.A Welcome to KHR Services, as you know that we are working to learn WordPress SEO Complete Course. In this video, I discussed the Types of Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
DM, #3 | WordPress SEO Course # 2| WordPress Search Engine Optimization SEO Course for Beginners | How many Types of SEO?
In this Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Course for Beginners we will cover both topics deeply with Hands-on Experience. I explained in the video, what On-Page SEO Factors we are going to discuss.
One basic tenet of SEO is to try and understand how people search on Google and Bing so you can craft strategies on those search patterns. The first thing to understand about how people search is that people search with intent. They are looking for something.
Each of these intents leads to different kinds of search categories. People will typically fall into the following kinds of searches:
• Navigational Searches:
They are looking for a specific website but they don’t remember the exact URL.
• Informational Searches:
This is Google’s bread and butter. Stuff like what is SEO? And how we can get a WordPress SEO complete course for free? People will usually tend to form these searches in the form of a question and the goal is finding the information itself.
• Commercial Investigation:
People working at businesses will be given tasks by their supervisors. Things like, hey we need a website built or can you find a good landscaper in San Diego. These are the modern-day equivalents of looking in the Yellow Pages. Rather than turning to the yellow pages, they turn to Google to find reputable businesses to contact. These may or may not lead to commerce or leads, but present an opportunity for both, same as someone seeing your ad in the Yellow Pages.
• Looking for a Purchase:
People will search the Internet when they are ready to buy. This will typically spike around specific holidays as people look for very specific gifts for ideas for gifts. Things like best father’s day gifts.
Is this WordPress SEO Course only for beginners?
No, This SEO course is for beginners as well as for Professionals to polish their skills.
Do you know how many types of SEO?
There are two types of Search Engine Optimization (SEO):
• On-Page SEO/On-Site SEO/Technical SEO (Not in really)
• Off-Page SEO/ Backlinks Creation/Backlinks Building/ Off-Site SEO
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