List Building Techniques for Coaches – The Secret to Boosting Your Sign Up Rate

List building is one of those things that you cannot simply live without when running an online business. As an eseller, you must understand the importance of having a simple way to get in touch with your potential buyers. Without this, there’s no way that you can make follow-ups and that would mean zero chances of making a sale.

The good thing about list building is that it’s relatively easy. Although it will require time and effort, it’s something that can easily be done. Before you get started, let me remind you that your goal here is to attract only qualified prospects. You don’t need a huge list of people who are not really interested on what you sell.

Here are some list building techniques that you’ll surely find useful:

First, I would suggest that you work on getting known as an expert or a great source of valuable information. One way to convince your prospects to sign up to your list is to give them an assurance that by doing so, they’ll get useful information through your newsletters every week. Give them proofs that you’re capable of doing so. Showcase your in-depth knowledge through article marketing, through forum and blog commenting, and through your website (make it a great source of timely, useful information). People who visit your website would surely be impressed if you provide them with the exact information they need and that’s something that will drive them to sign up to your list.

Drive enormous traffic to your website and squeeze page. Next step is to attract as many qualified prospects to your squeeze page and website as possible. For this, you’ll need a targeted, extremely effective traffic-generation campaign. Aside from article marketing and commenting on online communities, PPC advertising and social media marketing will also help.

Simplify the process of signing up. You don’t want to give your prospects a hard time signing up to your list. That’s just crazy. So, present them with simple forms that they can fill up in a few seconds. Just ask for their name and email address. You can get other contact information later on. Tell these people why they would want to sign up and ensure that your call to action is pretty moving.

Offer samples. One of the best ways to boost your list is to offer your prospects with something that they don’t have to pay for. These could be ebooks, audio products, or access to your exclusive websites where you share exciting information. Just make sure to tell these people that by taking advantage of your freebies, they are allowing you to send them newsletters and email ads on a regular basis.

Offer assurance. You can convince more people to sign up if you can give them an assurance that you’re not going to spam them, that you’re not going to share their contact information with other people, that it’s not an obligation on their part and that they can opt-out at anytime.

Author: Luther Cox

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